Dandomain Partners - KOEBT (Twentyfour.dk)
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KOEBT (Twentyfour.dk)

KOEBT is one of the world's leading software and integration services, and it is used by DR Koncerthuset, Rigsarkivet, BUPL, Glyptoteket, and Destination Bornholm, to name a few. At team KOEBT, we develop integrations between your systems - e.g. between your webshop and your accounting or bookkeeping system. KOEBT's dedicated team is here to make your job easier. We do this by automating workflows, which minimizes paperwork, manual errors, and - not least - costs.

KOEBT can be integrated with anything. Eg. KOEBT can retrieve all data from your financial system - whether it is Microsoft Dynamics, AX, C5, NAV, e-conomic, or a completely different system. The data flows from one system to another. Then you avoid manual work and minimize the risk of errors.

The benefits of using KOEBT include:

  • Minimizes human error.
  • Saves time and resources.
  • Requires no system changes.
  • Faster processes.
  • Improves service level and efficiency.
  • Automates processes to ensure accuracy without extra hours.

Customer Cases


BUPL needed system integrations of NemID login and Modulus. This was d (...)

Mond of Copenhagen

Using KOEBT, Twentyfour integrated the webshop, POS system, and Mond o (...)


Glyptoteket needed an integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, this in (...)

DR Koncerthus

By the use of KOEBT, we have built a three-way integration for DR Konc (...)


KOEBT was used to integrate the website with the UNI-Login system, and (...)

Partner Details



Contact Informations

Rasmus Aagaard
+45 42 41 61 60


KOEBT (Twentyfour.dk)
Bella Center A/S, International House,, 325 Twentyfour ApS, Center Boulevard 5
DK-2300 København S